Thursday, May 28, 2009

Making peace with your hair

I had my haircut yesterday. Actually it is more of a trim. It is a short hair length, so it is just a matter of keeping it . . . short. Many thanks to the student at the beauty school for doing my hair. It looks good. 

I no longer color my hair since making the decision to let it go grey. I can't pinpoint the date. My eyebrows have been turning grey for the past two years. Some of my eyelashes are even grey.  When the beautician started to tell me that we needed to color my eyebrows in addition to my hair, I had to stop and think. 

What am I coloring my hair and eyebrows for? For whom?  I am not vain in terms of appearance. Don't get me wrong.  I do take the time with my appearance - to make sure I come across that I feel good about myself, with careful application of make-up, coordination of clothes and shoes. Adding jewelry to my ears, wrist, neck, and fingers. I enjoy putting perfume on.  

I think I still look good - my face is still somewhat youthful. My husband still desires me. My 17-year old thinks I'm a cool Mom. My peers, friends, and acquaintances don't really need me to have my hair colored.  They need me to be there for them as a friend and colleague.  

The fact that my hair on my head is greying should not affect how I feel about myself.  Yes, I am . . . getting older. It is life. Admittedly, this age thing bothers me more than my hair and eyebrow situation. But it is another topic for another day. Today it is about making peace with your hair. 

Yes, many women think the hair on top of their head is their crown jewel. I beg to differ - your jewel is who you are -- inside. Your jewel is your heart, your loves, your compassion and generosity. 

I apparently had made peace with my hair some time ago and it began with the decision not to color it.  I like the streaks of silver around the top, sides and back.  The grey on my eyebrow, I think, add interesting flair to my face. (you can see them when you stand closely to me -- if I will allow you to invade my space!) 

So, make peace with your hair today. May peace be with you. 

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