She is our only child, so I get to go through this once. Kudos to those who have gone through this more than once. I also can't say the word, "I" either. My husband will be going through his emotions, as well as her grandparents, Nana and Popa.
I've been emotional as the day has slowly been coming closer and closer. Now it is just a few days away. Tears come easily at certain trigger moments. I am not sure what these tears are - I guess they could be the tears of pending absence, as well as tears of joy.
The saying, "if you love something, set it free, if it comes back, it was and always will be yours." is on my fore front of thoughts these days as I mull the coming independence of our only child. She plans on attending college in the fall . . . in another state. 12 hours away by car. An airplane ride away.
I pray that I (we) have laid a solid foundation for her. I believe I have. Now it is all up to her from this day forth (when she graduates). I can only pray and wish the best for her.
Yes, I am both excited for her as well as fearful. But the time is coming - or the day is coming that I have to let her go. Yes, even though right now I have provided freedoms that come with responsibilities. She still lives in my home, under our rules. Once she is off to college, those things . . . change. She no longer lives at my home. She becomes a visiting adult - college student.
Nevertheless, she is beginning on the journey of young adulthood. It is my prayer and wish that she will always call on me as a resource, as her source of strength, hope, and love. Since I will always call on her for her - my wonderful daughter, a blessed gift, this young spirit who I want in my life.
Peace be with you.